Will a speeding ticket in NC affect my driving record in a different state?
Published on 05/29/2018

In most cases, your North Carolina speeding ticket will affect your out-of-state driving record. The reason is because most states are part of the Driver License Compact (DLC). There is reciprocity for the states that have signed the DLC, meaning that traffic citations issued in the state of North Carolina get reported to your home state. This usually results in your home state treating your speeding ticket as though it happened within the boundaries of your state.
According to the National Center for Interstate Compacts, the "Driver License Compact is an interstate compact used by States of the United States to exchange information concerning license suspensions and traffic violations of non-residents and forward them to the state where they are licensed known as the home state. Its theme is One Driver, One License, One Record. The home state would treat the offense as if it had been committed at home, applying home state laws to the out-of-state offense. The action taken would include, but not be limited to, points assessed on a minor offense such as speeding and suspension of license or a major violation such as DWI/DUI. It is not supposed to include non-moving violations like parking tickets, tinted windows, loud exhaust, etc."
It is always in your interest to speak with a North Carolina traffic attorney before pleading guilty to your traffic violation. Our traffic attorneys are standing by and would love to chat with you about your case.