What's up with North Carolina Seat Belt Laws?
Published on 05/22/2018

So you ate a big lunch and couldn't bear the extra tug around the tummy, say you got pulled and your child decided to wiggle out of his or her car seat, maybe you were on a quick trip to the grocery store just down the road. Now you have a seat-belt ticket and are wondering what to do and where to turn. Among North Carolina's tricky traffic laws is the issue of seat belt violations. We are all asking the same question: is it worth it to hire an Attorney? The simple-and-not-so-clear-answer: sometimes. Hopefully this helps you better identify your charge and how it could impact your driving privileges and insurance premium. Remember, it is ALWAYS best to consult with an attorney before paying off any ticket, lest you get slammed with points left and right.
Seat Belt Law Summary
Requirements: All drivers and passengers age 16 and older must wear a seat belt in both front and back seats.
Vehicles: The Seat Belt Law pertains to all vehicles required by federal standards to have seat belts.
Restraints Required: The entire seat belt system must be in place (unless the seat has a lap-belt-only system).
Exemptions: Please visit http://www.buckleupnc.org/occupant-restraint-laws/seat-belt-law-summary/ for a list of exemptions
Responsibility: The driver is responsible for him or herself and all children under 16. Passengers over 16 are responsible for themselves.
Drivers and Front Seat Occupants Age 16 and Older
Penalty of ~$25.50
Court costs ~$153.50
No drivers license or insurance points are assessed.
Rear Seat Occupants Ages 16 and Older
Penalty of ~$10.00
Likely no court costs
No drivers license or insurance points are assessed.
Child Passenger Safety Law Summary
Requirements: Children under 16 should be properly secured in appropriate restraints based on age, weight, and height.
Vehicles: The Seat Belt Law pertains to all vehicles required by federal standards to have seat belts.
Restraints Required: A properly used car seat or booster seat is required for children younger than 8 and less than 80 pounds. When a child reaches 8 or 80 pounds, a properly fitted seat belt can be used. Children under 5 and less than 40 pounds must be restrained in the back seat.
Exemptions: Please visit http://www.buckleupnc.org/occupant-restraint-laws/seat-belt-law-summary/ for a list of exemptions
Penalties and Responsibilities
Driver is responsible for all children under 16
Penalty should not exceed $25.00
Full court costs and fees apply to failure to secure a child.
Two drivers license points are assessed.
No insurance points are assessed.
All information courtesy of www.buckleupnc.org