Can I Still Get a Speeding Ticket if I’m Driving With the Flow of Traffic? — North Carolina Traffic Ticket Myths
Published on 10/02/2018

While logically, you don’t stand out as easily as a car zipping by traffic at unreasonably fast speeds, you’re able to get a speeding ticket even if you are driving with the flow of traffic. Officers can pull over a line of cars at one time, or single your car out. Either way, you can be cited. Use reason. If you’re driving with the flow of traffic, it may make you less likely to be cited, but it, by no means, is cause for dismissal. Plus, it doesn’t matter if another car is doing 90 mph in a 65 mph zone. Although this is a much different circumstance — if you murdered someone, is “someone else also committed murder” a good defense? Unfortunately, not.
In most cases, it’s recommended to seek a reduction of your charge to a less severe citation. While it’s not a dismissal, a reduction could potentially avoid any license points and, most importantly, keep your North Carolina auto insurance rates from skyrocketing. Knowing the specific DMV and Department of Insurance rules that apply to your case, an attorney can seek the best possible outcome on your behalf.
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