Will My Speeding Ticket be Thrown Out if the Police Officer Does Not Show at my Court Date? — North Carolina Traffic Ticket Myths
Published on 09/26/2018

The short answer is no, probably not. The District Attorney can continue your court date and require you to appear over and over while they attempt to find a date that is convenient for the officer. If you want to fight for a dismissal of your charge, we recommend having great documentation that supports your case and counters the officer’s statement and evidence. If it’s a matter of “he said, she said,” the court often sides with the officer of the law.
In most cases, it’s recommended to seek a reduction of your charge to a less severe citation. While it’s not a dismissal, a reduction could potentially avoid any license points and, most importantly, keep your North Carolina auto insurance rates from skyrocketing. Knowing the specific DMV and Department of Insurance rules that apply to your case, an attorney can seek the best possible outcome on your behalf.
If you decide to hire an attorney, we ask that you consider us. With offices all over the state, we aim to be your go to solution, no matter where you are. Our vision is to bring the legal industry into the 21st century with a innovative online process. Please call us at (919) 200–0822.