Attorney Hatley explains differences between Improper Equipment and a Prayer for Judgement Continued (PJC)
[Video] Improper Equipment vs. Prayer for Judgement Continued (PJC)
Attorney Hatley explains differences between Improper Equipment and a Prayer for Judgement Continued (PJC)
Everyone here at iTicket.Law shares a vision of providing a valuable service to North Carolinian drivers. Our goal is to help you get the best possible outcome for your traffic citation, while providing clear and fast …
A very common question about the famous Improper Equipment reduction in North Carolina, concisely explained by Attorney Hatley.
A fun and informative video explaining the benefits of having an iTicket.Law attorney represent you for your North Carolina traffic ticket!
A post to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the Hatley Law Office, and our founding Attorney Daniel A. Hatley!