What To Do If You've Been Charged with Driving While Licensed Revoked in North Carolina
Published on 09/27/2018

It is not uncommon for the following scenario to happen to many drivers in North Carolina: You are pulled over for a simple violation such as speeding or expired tags. After the officer runs your driver’s license, he or she proceeds to tell you that your license has been revoked for some months now, and now you have an additional charge of Driving While License Revoked, which is a class 3 misdemeanor.
This happens to many people because they had no knowledge of their license being suspended. In many cases, they had previously received a ticket that they likely lost track of and did not appear in court for it. When this happens, the case is marked as a Failure to Appear (FTA) 20 days after the date was missed. Eventually, the Department of Motor Vehicles will be notified of this FTA and will send out a letter stating that the person in question will have their driving privileges revoked if their case is not handled by a certain date. Once the license is revoked, there is only one way to have it reinstated. The driver must handle the original ticket(s) that suspended their license, then pay a reinstatement fee to the North Carolina DMV to get their license back.
They should also make sure to seek representation for any new tickets they may have received to prevent this issue from recurring. At iTicket.law, our attorneys seek to re-calender your case for as soon as possible, outline a game plan for seeking reinstatement of your license, then go to court on your behalf. Give us a call today if you have questions about your Driving While Licensed Revoked (DWLR) charge.