Whether it’s from missing court or the court costs on an old ticket, or as a result of certain types of traffic cases, it is relatively easy to end up with a suspended license in North Carolina. The process for restoring your license, however, can be complicated to navigate alone.
Daily life often requires driving for work, school, and other family needs. But driving while your license is suspended can lead to more citations for Driving While License Revoked (DWLR). This and other moving violations while suspended can lead to further suspensions. For many North Carolinians, this can seem like a never-ending cycle and it can be hard to dig your way out of this situation.
Breaking the Cycle
When you have multiple outstanding cases, especially if they are in different counties, it can be tricky to coordinate with different law offices to resolve those cases in the most favorable way for the restoration of your license. Sometimes, the way one case is resolved, or even the order in which they are resolved, can impact the options you’d have for the others, as well as your path to restoration.
iTicket.law offers a unique solution.
Our 30 attorneys practice in over 90 counties across North Carolina. By handling your outstanding cases with one firm, our attorneys use their knowledge and experience with traffic law to coordinate the best available outcomes for your cases and advocate for the restoration of your driving privileges.*
The Path to Reinstatement
The path to reinstatement will vary depending on what the exact causes of suspension are on your record; but there are three main stages to the process:
- Identify the Causes of Suspension
- Resolve the Suspensions
- Seek Reinstatement

Due to the severity of North Carolina’s traffic laws, hundreds of thousands of North Carolina residents are currently suffering because their licenses have been revoked due to accumulated violations or not handling a prior citation. Having been in your shoes before, Attorney Hatley knows that losing your license severely impacts your life. Not having a license gets in the way of work, school, and taking care of the ones you love. It keeps you from living life at your own pace. On top of that, your mailbox is overflowing with letters from people who say they know how to handle it. Deciding who to trust can be overwhelming.
Our Process
iTicket.law has over 26 attorneys on staff, practicing in over 85 counties across North Carolina. Each of our attorneys focus on the complexities of traffic law and can use that knowledge to advocate for the restoration of your driving privilege.* We recognize that while handling any given citation is important, it’s just as important to look at the big picture to find out why your license was revoked in the first place.
Our team will review your driving record and analyze any past or pending charges causing the revocation. We’ll determine what outstanding issues need to be resolved to help get your license back, and offer you a comprehensive plan to seek restoration of your license as quickly as we can.
Cost of Representation
At iTicket.law, we seek to take a transparent approach to legal fees. Based on the number and severity of pending charges you have, our firm will generate a fair quote for the total cost of representation. We will personally appear for you and negotiate with the District Attorney to fight for the best possible outcome for you.
The value of clearing your record and getting your license back is priceless. We want to help you reclaim your independence and get back on the road. You don’t have to go it alone. Give us a call at 919-200-0822. We look forward to speaking with you at your earliest convenience.
How does a traffic conviction affect my NC insurance costs?
Traffic Violation Conviction | Rate Increase | License Points | Insurance Points |
Speeding 76 mph in a 65 mph zone | 90% | 3 | 4 |
Speeding 82 mph in a 70 mph zone | 90% | 3 | 4 |
Passing a stopped school bus | 90% | 5 | 4 |
Reckless driving | 90% | 4 | 4 |
Illegal passing | 55% | 4 | 2 |
Running stop sign/red light | 40% | 3 | 1 |
Driving While License Revoked | 200% | 3 | 8 |

Common Questions about DWLR
1. Failing to handle a previous citation, known as “Failure to Appear”
2. Handling a citation but failing to pay your court costs, known as “Failure to Pay”
3. Receiving point-accumulating violations on your record, that total up to 12-points, in a three-year period
4. Receiving a high level speeding violation that causes a statutory suspension of your license
5. A change in your medical condition (i.e. an epilepsy diagnosis or worsening eyesight).
These are all potential instances that could suspend your license and where an officer could charge you with DWLR if you are driving.
The first, "DWLR - Not Impaired", can occur for many different reasons, such as failing to handle previous citations, failing to pay court costs, or receiving 12-points on your license in a 3-year period. This type of DWLR is a class three misdemeanor in NC. While a conviction for DWLR - Not Impaired would not normally result in jail time, it is still a serious offense that could benefit from the assistance of an attorney.
The second, "DWLR - Impaired", is related to driving after a prior Driving While Impaired charge or conviction. This is the more serious of the two types because it means you were driving during a period of license suspension for a prior DWI, whether pre- or post-trial. This DWLR is a class one misdemeanor in NC and carries a serious risk of jail time. If you've been charged with DWLR Impaired, it's vital that you call an attorney immediately.