Do you need a traffic lawyer for your speeding or traffic citation in North Carolina?

The traffic attorneys at® are here to help. Our goal is to seek an outcome that would avoid any impact to your license or auto insurance.* While every case is unique, we have handled tens of thousands of traffic cases and often know the best legal avenues available to you.*

Why waste your time in traffic court when you can have a traffic lawyer go for you? It’s likely that you would have to make multiple appearances in traffic court. That may mean taking multiple vacation days, finding a babysitter, and more inconveniences.

Why Should You Hire an Attorney for Your North Carolina Traffic Citation?

How it Works - Our Process for Handling Your Citation

Do you want to find details about your case?

You can usually find your case details right on our website, By entering your name and the county in which you received your citation on our homepage, our proprietary software will search the NC court record database for your case. Once our system locates your case(s), you can easily proceed to hire our firm to handle the matter(s) for you.

Find Your Case

Tickets that Attorney Hatley and his team handles

(Include, but are not limited to)

✓ Speeding

✓ Speeding in a School or Work Zone

✓ Following Too Closely

✓ Improper Turn or Lane Change

✓ Unsafe Movement

✓ Failure to Reduce Speed

✓ Careless and Reckless Driving

✓ No Operators License

✓ Expired Registration

✓ Driving While Impaired

✓ Driving While License Revoked


Traffic offenses can be painful in terms of time and money

They may also lead to increased insurance rates and wasted time at the courthouse. You might consider just paying your ticket to avoid the hassle altogether. Do not pay any speeding or traffic ticket without first consulting a traffic attorney. By paying your ticket you could be admitting guilt and may face an increase to your insurance premium, as outlined. Why admit guilt when you can hire our traffic attorneys to handle this matter for as little as $99 per ticket?*

How does a traffic conviction affect my NC insurance costs?

Traffic Violation Conviction Rate Increase License Points Insurance Points
Speeding 76 mph in a 65 mph zone 90% 3 4
Speeding 82 mph in a 70 mph zone 90% 3 4
Passing a stopped school bus 90% 5 4
Reckless driving 90% 4 4
Illegal passing 55% 4 2
Running stop sign/red light 40% 3 1
Driving While License Revoked 200% 3 8 Attorneys and Staff.jpg

If you were to try to handle your North Carolina traffic ticket on your own, would you know what outcome to seek? Do you know with whom to negotiate? Do you know the North Carolina DMV rules and how the outcome will affect your license and insurance? If you aren’t comfortable with all the rules and legal proceedings, it may be in your best interest to hire a North Carolina traffic lawyer. It can save you time and money in the long haul.*

If you do decide that having a traffic attorney is in your best interest, we ask that you consider us. With offices all over the state and an innovative online process, we aim to be your go to solution, no matter where you are. Our vision is to bring the legal industry into the 21st century.


North Carolina Traffic Ticket Defense

North Carolina Prayer for Judgement Continued (PJC)

North Carolina Improper Equipment

North Carolina 9mph Over Speeding Reductions

North Carolina Speeding Ticket for an Out-of-State Driver

True Cost of a North Carolina Speeding Ticket

Should You Pay Your North Carolina Speeding Ticket?

How to Find Your Lost North Carolina Traffic Ticket

What's the Cost of a Traffic Lawyer in North Carolina?

Questions to Ask if You Get a Ticket in North Carolina

North Carolina DWI Defense

North Carolina Marijuana Possession Defense

Driving While License Revoked in North Carolina

North Carolina Personal Injury Attorneys


Our firm handles matters in 91 counties across North Carolina

Click below to learn more about your specific county

Alamance County
Traffic Tickets

Burlington, Graham, Mebane

Alexander County
Traffic Tickets


Anson County
Traffic Tickets


Ashe County
Traffic Tickets


Avery County
Traffic Tickets

Newland, Banner Elk

Beaufort County
Traffic Tickets


Bertie County
Traffic Tickets


Bladen County
Traffic Tickets


Brunswick County
Traffic Tickets

Bolivia, Ocean Isle

Buncombe County
Traffic Tickets

Asheville, Black Mtn

Burke County
Traffic Tickets

Morganton, Linville

Cabarrus County
Traffic Tickets

Concord, Harrisburg

Caldwell County
Traffic Tickets

Lenoir, Blowing Rock

Camden County
Traffic Tickets


Carteret County
Traffic Tickets

Beaufort, Morehead City

Caswell County
Traffic Tickets

Yanceyville, Milton

Catawba County
Traffic Tickets

Hickory, Lenior

Chatham County
Traffic Tickets

Pittsboro, Siler City

Cherokee County
Traffic Tickets

Murphy, Andrews

Chowan County
Traffic Tickets


Clay County
Traffic Tickets


Cleveland County
Traffic Tickets

Shelby, Kings Mountain

Columbus County
Traffic Tickets

Whiteville, Tabor City

Craven County
Traffic Tickets

New Bern, Havelock

Cumberland County
Traffic Tickets

Fayetteville, Fort Bragg

Currituck County
Traffic Tickets


Dare County
Traffic Tickets

Duck, Outer Banks

Davidson County
Traffic Tickets

Lexington, Thomasville

Davie County
Traffic Tickets

Mocksville, Advance

Duplin County
Traffic Tickets

Kenansville, Wallace

Durham County
Traffic Tickets

Durham, Hillsborough

Edgecombe County
Traffic Tickets

Tarboro, Rocky Mount

Forsyth County
Traffic Tickets

Winston-Salem, Clemmons

Franklin County
Traffic Tickets

Louisburg, Franklinton

Gaston County
Traffic Tickets

Gastonia, Belmont

Gates County
Traffic Tickets


Graham County
Traffic Tickets


Granville County
Traffic Tickets

Oxford, Creedmoor

Greene County
Traffic Tickets

Snow Hill

Guilford County
Traffic Tickets

Greensboro, High Point

Halifax County
Traffic Tickets


Harnett County
Traffic Tickets

Lillington, Dunn

Haywood County
Traffic Tickets

Waynesville, Maggie Valley

Henderson County
Traffic Tickets

Hendersonville, Flat Rock

Hertford County
Traffic Tickets


Hoke County
Traffic Tickets

Raeford, Fort Bragg

Hyde County
Traffic Tickets

Swan Quarter

Iredell County
Traffic Tickets

Statesville, Mooresville

Jackson County
Traffic Tickets

Sylva, Cullowhee

Johnston County
Traffic Tickets

Smithfield, Benson

Jones County
Traffic Tickets

Trenton, Maysville

Lee County
Traffic Tickets

Sanford, Broadway

Lenoir County
Traffic Tickets


Lincoln County
Traffic Tickets

Lincolnton, Denver

Macon County
Traffic Tickets

Franklin, Highlands

Madison County
Traffic Tickets

Marshall, Hot Springs

Martin County
Traffic Tickets

Williamston, Robersonville

McDowell County
Traffic Tickets


Mecklenburg County
Traffic Tickets

Charlotte, Matthews

Mitchell County
Traffic Tickets


Montgomery County
Traffic Tickets

Troy, Biscoe

Moore County
Traffic Tickets

Carthage, Pinehurst

Nash County
Traffic Tickets

Nashville, Spring Hope

New Hanover County
Traffic Tickets

Wilmington, Wrightsville

Northampton County
Traffic Tickets

Jackson, Conway

Onslow County
Traffic Tickets

Jacksonville, Surf City

Orange County
Traffic Tickets

Chapel Hill, Hillsborough

Pasquotank County
Traffic Tickets

Elizabeth City

Pender County
Traffic Tickets

Burgaw, Topsail Beach

Perquimans County
Traffic Tickets


Person County
Traffic Tickets


Pitt County
Traffic Tickets

Greenville, Winterville

Polk County
Traffic Tickets


Randolph County
Traffic Tickets

Asheboro, Randleman

Richmond County
Traffic Tickets


Robeson County
Traffic Tickets

Lumberton, Pembroke

Rockingham County
Traffic Tickets

Reidsville, Eden

Rowan County
Traffic Tickets

Salisbury, China Grove

Rutherford County
Traffic Tickets


Sampson County
Traffic Tickets

Clinton, Roseboro

Scotland County
Traffic Tickets


Stanly County
Traffic Tickets

Albemarle, Locust

Stokes County
Traffic Tickets

Danbury, King

Surry County
Traffic Tickets

Dobson, Mount Airy

Swain County
Traffic Tickets

Bryson City

Transylvania County
Traffic Tickets

Brevard, Rosman

Tyrrell County
Traffic Tickets


Union County
Traffic Tickets

Monroe, Waxhaw

Vance County
Traffic Tickets

Henderson, Kittrell

Wake County
Traffic Tickets

Raleigh, Cary

Warren County
Traffic Tickets

Warrenton, Macon

Washington County
Traffic Tickets

Plymouth, Roper

Watauga County
Traffic Tickets

Boone, Blowing Rock

Wayne County
Traffic Tickets


Wilkes County
Traffic Tickets

Wilkesboro, Elkin

Wilson County
Traffic Tickets

Wilson, Black Creek

Yadkin County
Traffic Tickets


Yancey County
Traffic Tickets
